Rest of World

South Korea

In one generation, South Korea went from being a poor country to being an international powerhouse. Welcome  to the “miracle on the Han river”

Ireland – A charm of its own

Among the favourite places in the world for living a life of leisure and fewer worries, Ireland offers comfortable and affordable opportunities to travel to the UK and European countries. It is a place to explore given its rich history, culture, lifestyle – and safety as well

Israel: The Holy Land for Retirees

Regarded by Muslims, Jews and Christians as a holy land, the Mediterranean Sea-country of Israel shares borders with Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt

Czech Republic: Tempting enough to check-in

After emerging from over 40 years of Communist rule in 1990, the nation of over 11 million people joined the European Union in 2004 as one of its 10 member-nations those days.